3DFunc is an impressive program that will plot any function you enter in three dimensions. Similar to Apple’s Graphing Calculator for the PowerPC computers, but this program has many more features (and doesn’t require a PowerPC!) including exporting graphs to QuickTime movies.
ab Fractal 0.4b
A program that generates Mandelbrot and Julia set fractal images. This program has many features including the ability to analyze the fractal images. Many sample files are included. Requires a math coprocessor, color QuickDraw, and a 68020 or better.
Asymptote 1.1 Demo
The design goal for Asymptote was to give scientists and engineers the tools they needed to produce sophisticated and highly customized graphs. With Asymptote, users can control the finest details of their graphs. Asymptote’s programmable scripts make it easy to automate the graph-making process. Users can write scripts to run unattended in the background, or they can write interactive scripts that prompt them for input.
Calculate π 1.5F
Calculate π 1.5F is a pi calculating program which will calculate pi to whatever decimal point the user defines. It has been tested to 10,0000 decimal points. (In case you’re curious, the formula used to calculate pi in this program is: 9/4 = 6 tan-1(1/8) + 2 tan-1(1/57) + tan-1(1/239) tan-1(x) = x - x^3/3 + x^5/5 - x^7/7 + ...)
Given a truth table (combinatorial or sequential), this program will generate a minimal BOOLEAN equation from which a design can be made using only AND OR and NOT gates. The program will also generate the optimum multiplexer arrangement for any truth table. Registration must be paid to receive a password to unlock all of the programs features.
Engineering Assistant v1.5
This program provides constants, conversions and formulas frequently used by engineers and students. This utility will do the work your calculator used to do, and keep you from thumbing through your text books for constants or formulas.
Fwave III 1.3.3
Fwave III is a scientific program that solves two dimensional electromagnetic wave equations. It’s purpose is mainly for optical wave guides. This program requires a math coprocessor and will not run on PowerPC's without processor emulation software.
G•Power 2.0.2
GPower performs high-precision statistical power analyses for the most common statistical tests in behavioral research, that is, t-, F-, and Chi2-tests. The power values obtained by “accuracy mode” calculations of GPower are correct up to five significant digits at least, except “speed mode” calculations are less accurate. Comes in a FPU and non-FPU version. Documentation also included.
Gene Construction Kit Demo
The Gene Construction Kit is a DNA manipulation, design, and drawing tool designed for molecular biologists. The user can create DNA strands for study or manipulation. The software was reviewed in the Biotechnology Software Journal (vol 11(6), page 27 (1994)) and rated 10 of 10.
This is a demonstration version of HIPPARCHUS, a fully integrated, high precision, astronomical planning, observing, and research tool for positional astronomy. Some features (especially save and print) are limited. An exhaustive 96-page user manual is included.
HMO-plus 1.5.1
HMO-plus performs Hueckel molecular orbital (HMO) calculations for structures up to 100 atoms. A descriptive manuscript, full documentation, as well as sample files are included.
Letter Learner
An informative HyperCard stack about Neural Networks. You actually “teach” the program how to recognize letters of the (English) alphabet. Exhaustive help and documentation inherent on the stack. A very good program in my estimation.
Linkage Interface 3.2
A program for human genetic linkage analysis, this stand-alone application serves as an interface between raw polymorphic marker data and linkage programs. Decent documentation is also included.
Mac Chemkey Demo
This software installs a database of organic chemistry literature. This database is a demo version. The full version includes 40,000 entries and spans a thirty year time frame.
MacMul 4.1 - GraphMu 5.1
There are three version for each application: FPU, no FPU and Power PC. You can use the Test Mac utility (included) to check you particular configuration. Also included are four Utilities for each configuration. Documentation is sketchy so you’ll kind of be on your own.
MacRLaB 1.18c
MacRLaB is the Macintosh version of RLaB 1.18c. RLaB is linear algebra package similar to Matlab. It uses the programming language also named RLaB. There are some RLaB functions that do not work on this Macintosh version of the program.
Mandle Acid 2.0
Mandle Acid generates cycling fractals. It’s features include a 14 inch display and instantaneous rendering. It also includes a very creative user definition dialogue.
Matrix Helper 1.2 Demo
This application will handle matrix operations such as inverting, row-reducing, solving a system of linear equations and more. The demo version is limited to 3x3 matrices.
MF Calc™
MF Calc is a tool for chemists. It accepts a numerical value as input and calculates the possible molecular formulas of the fragments that have the same mass as the inputted value. The user has many choices in terms of defining what elements to include in the search, mass tolerance, etc.
MPj Astro 1.3 Installer
MPj Astro is a program for the Macintosh which simulates a planetarium. The program displays a star lit sky and the user can pan 360 degrees to look at a particular sector. The program contains star trivia and interesting information.
MRI - The Foot
Shows a MRI scan of the foot. Clicking on any part of the scan brings up information about that part. Should allocate as much memory as possible, set monitor to at least 256 colors, and leave the folder unmodified.
Powers 1.0
This program will raise a number X to the power Y, for example 12 raised to the 3rd power. It always returns numbers to the tenth decimal (i.e. 2 squared returns 4.0000000000).
Creates high quality plots (up to 50000 points) from data found in tabular ASCII format. Runs very fast. Save and Save As features disabled until registration fee is paid.
This is simply a fat binary version of the RasMol program by Roger Sayle. It can render , rotate and annotate molecules based on several different coordinate files and visual styles. Includes a help file, examples and full source code.
Rootlocs 2.0
This application is for plotting Root Locus diagrams. If you understood that, this program may be what you need.
Satellite Tracker 1.33
Satellite Tracker is a Macintosh utility that uses the two line elements available from ftp sites and the Usenet to predict satellite visibility. It can be used to predict when the Shuttle, or Hubble Space Telescope, or MIR space station can be seen, for example.
TAPP is a database of thermochemical properties of chemical compounds and a collection of phase diagrams. With this demo, edit functions are disabled, and the database is limited to only a few compounds. The commercial version contains 14,000 compounds.
VSEPRplex 1.1.6 Demo
Designed to be an interactive learning tool for use at the senior high school and early university levels, VSEPRplex models molecules in real-time 3D using several different structure options. They can then be explored using real-time animation. The program also provides information on molecular shape derivation. Also available for Windows.
Working Model 2.0b Demo
Working Model is a powerful tool for engineering analysis, animation, and prototyping. It saves time and cash in the design process by allowing you create and analyze dynamic physical systems on the computer prior to building costly prototypes.
Working Model 2.0b Engineering
This folder contains several examples of Working Model programs. Working Model is a powerful tool for engineering analysis, animation, and prototyping. It saves time and cash in the design process by allowing you create and analyze dynamic physical systems on the computer prior to building costly prototypes.
Yorick 1.0 Gist
Gist reads binary CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile) files and displays the plots on the screen. Gist can save any desired combination of plots from the CGM file in another CGM file, a PostScript file. or a PICT file. The main use for Gist is making PICT files from a CGM file written in Yorick.
Yorick 1.0 Gist Readme
The Read Me file for Gist. This gives basic instructions on the purpose and operation of Gist (a program that reads, plots and saves CGM files). See the Gist folder for more information.
Yorick 1.1 Docs
This folder contains several files documenting the Yorick program. Yorick is an interpreter (similar to LISP) that does very fast numerical analyses. It can read any text or binary file that it knows (or can be supplied) the formatting rules for. It includes a 2D graphics package that can do polylines, contour plots, cell arrays, and filled mesh plots. Also available is Gist- a program that can read and plot Yorick files, then save them as PICT files.
Yorick 1.1 FPU
Yorick is an interpreter (similar to LISP) that does very fast numerical analyses. It can read any text or binary file that it knows (or can be supplied) the formatting rules for. It includes a 2D graphics package that can do polylines, contour plots, cell arrays, and filled mesh plots. Comes with Gist- which can read and plot Yorick files, then save them as PICT files. This version requires a math coprocessor.
Yorick 1.1 No FPU
Yorick is an interpreter (similar to LISP) that does very fast numerical analyses. It can read any text or binary file that it knows (or can be supplied) the formatting rules for. It includes a 2D graphics package that can do polylines, contour plots, cell arrays, and filled mesh plots. Comes with Gist- which can read and plot Yorick files, then save them as PICT files. This version is for computers without a math coprocessor.
Yorick 1.1 PPC
Yorick is an interpreter (similar to LISP) that does very fast numerical analyses. It can read any text or binary file that it knows (or can be supplied) the formatting rules for. It includes a 2D graphics package that can do polylines, contour plots, cell arrays, and filled mesh plots. Comes with Gist- which can read and plot Yorick files, then save them as PICT files. This version is for Power PC computers only.
Yorick 1.1 Readme
This is the first thing about the Yorick system a user should read. It contains an introduction, outlines Yorick basics and gives details on how to get started. Further instructions can be found in the Yourick 1.1 Docs folder.